Fighting unjustice with awareness campaigns

the challenge

Every year or better said, everyday, Amnesty International fights against amazing problems that are hard to believe in such times. Domestic violence and death penalty are only some of them.

the solution

We found a good way of fighting against a problem is melting into it. So we created a domestic element to fight against domestic violence. A bookmark. An ordinary but powerful tool that anticipates us the end of many stories that are taking place right now: She dies in the end, The husband is the murderer and He kills her in the end. An awareness campaign, apparently inoffensive, like books are.

Futhermore we designed a press campaign against the death penalty “a practice that belongs to another era”.

“Bookmark”: Bronze Lion – Cannes 2007. Bronce Sol- Festival San Sebastián 2007. Gran Prix Press – Laus 2007.
Campaign “Another age”:
Finalist Cannes 2007.
Campaigns made for Contrapunto BBDO.

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